Kenneth G.
Personal & Portfolio Page
2024-07-11 // Site Update
2024-06-02 // I made an unhinged Noodle Effect diagram
2024-07-03 // Finished first attack for Art Fight


This site is still a work in progress and so is my portfolio. I will continue to update this page with more recent work soon!

Rebirth (2022)

Death lives behind sorrow and grief, but it could also leave behind hope. The audience is forced to witness a gruesome death. Here lies a corpse that lays on the ground, covered with blood that flows down all the way to his legs. Immigrant families often start with a dream of drastically improving their life from what they once faced. Their goal is to leave behind their legacy so future generations could blossom. White Chrysanthemums are spread throughout the body, covered with blood. On top of the river of blood, islands float on top with people moving ahead. I play the corpse because I come from a family of immigrants. These are observational drawings, I measured my own limbs and hands to be accurate to my own proportions. The pants were made using a combination of miniature figures & moss. Acrylic is used to simulate the bloody mess.

liminal artworks (2022)